DE Presentations and publications
Lamarre, Patricia 2014. Recognition of linguistic and cultural diversity in Canadian schools: a brief overview of research, policy and stakes. Presented at the MALEDIVE network meeting in Graz 31.1.2014.
Prasad, Gail 2014. Creating plurilingual “identity texts” in the mainstream classroom: a multi-site study in Toronto’s English and French schools. Presented at the MALEDIVE network meeting in Graz 31.1.2014.
Publications in English
Auger, N. (in press), “Exploring the use of migrant languages to support learning in mainstream classrooms in France” in Managing Diversity in Education, C. Leung, D. Little et P. Van Avermaet (dirs.), Bristol (UK), Multilingual matters, 25 pages.
Auger, N. 2008. « Comparing our languages. A tool for maintaining individual multilingualism », Synergie Sud-est européen (GERFLINT), Construire la cohésion sociale : le rôle de l’école en Grèce, S. Chatzisavvidis (dir.) et //, pp. 93-99.
Auger, N. 2006. « New directions in the field of education in France », New directions in Applied linguistics, 13th International Conference, Greek applied Linguistics association (11-14 december 2003), A. Kavadia, M. Joannopoulou & A. Tsangalidis (dirs), Greece, Thessaloniki, pp. 434-441.
Bunch, G. C., Kibler, A., Pimentel, S. 2012. Realizing Opportunities for English Learners in the Common Core English Language Arts and Disciplinary Literacy Standards . Paper presented at the Understanding Language Conference, Stanford, CA.
Bunch, G. C. 2013. Pedagogical language knowledge: Preparing mainstream teachers for English learners in the new standards era. Review of Research in Education 2013 37: 298. American Educational Research Association. 298-341.
Gibbons, P. 2009.English Learners, Academic Literacy, and Thinking: Learning in the Challenge Zone. Heinemann.
Hélot, C. & M. Ó Laoire (eds.) 2011. Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom - Pedagogy of the Possible. Multilingual Matters.
Hélot, C. 2011. Children’s literature in the multilingual classroom: Developing multilingual literacy acquisition. In C. Hélot & M. Ó Laoire (eds.) 2011. Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom - Pedagogy of the Possible. Multilingual Matters. 42 - 64.
- approach for teaching multilingual literacy - also for monolingual students
- use of bilingual books - teachers should not fear working with languages they do not know
- translation constructing different relationships of otherness
Lucas, T., A. M. Villegas, M. Freedson-Gonzalez 2008. Linguistically responsive teacher education. Preparing classroom teachers to teach English language learners. Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 59, Nr. 4, 361 - 373.
Mohan, B. A., Leung, C., Davison, C. 2001. English as a second language in the mainstream: teaching, learning, and identity. Longman.
Walqui & van Lier 2010. Scaffolding the academic success of adolescent English language learners: A pedagogy of Promise. WestEd.
Publications in French
Auger N. 2008. « D’une méthodologie ethnographique à la transformation des pratiques de classe : le cas des élèves migrants en France », Ecoles plurilingues – multilingual schools : Konzepte, Institutionen und Akteure, G. Budach, J. Erfurt & M. Kunkel (dirs), Berlin, Peter Lang, Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel, pp. 235-249.