Scaffolding web search
Part 1: Strategies for efficient web search
- How would you guide the students through the process of searching for information on the web? Create brief guidelines in small groups and then in larger groups. Decide what the five most important pieces of advice are. Share.
- Look at an example of practice
: tips for using Wikipedia and two tasks that deal with finding important information. These activities are targeted at lower secondary school students. Try these tips out with a Wikipedia article.
- What are the benefits of this type of activity? How would you develop it further?
- Does this kind of instruction meet the needs of our three learner profiles? Give reasons.
Part 2. Using plurilingual resources in web search
Your students are given the following task:
Use different kinds of resources to find out
- What is the European Union (EU)?
- How has the EU affected peoples’ lives in Europe?
How would you collaborate with the teachers of history, social studies and other languages to help your students carry out the task?
How would you help your pupils to:
- collaborate during the task
- use resources to find relevant information
- use the languages they know
- share knowledge
- report their findings
Also, take a look at the Developing collaboration part.
Header image based on "The ladder or life is full of splinters" by Mykl Roventine (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).