The study materials for pre- and in-service teacher education are divided into three thematic fields:
- Individual (plurilingual individuals)
- Society (multilingual society)
- School (the core content of the language of schooling as a school subject)
In each thematic module, the study materials are outlined as follows:
- What will you learn in this section lists the focus points of the section
- Reflect on the key ideas provides you with essential background information (in some instances this is integrated into the Activities)
- Activities supports you in developing your language of schooling teaching practices
In order to create and develop your own plurilingual practices, the study materials aim to help you:
- learn more about your students: their language and learning skills and prior knowledge and experiences
- reflect on yourself as a plurilingual agent: your attitudes, knowledge and skills
- analyse the current learning environment in your own region: commonly adopted practices, tasks and materials
- explore and compare the features of a plurilingual learning environment and collaborate with other school subjects to develop a pedagogical culture at the whole-school level