My work in very diverse fields enabled me to gain different perspectives concerning didactic / methododological questions of teaching German (German as L1, German as a second language / foreign language) and of teaching foreign languages ( Italian as L2 or L3) and to develop teaching and learning materials for these areas of teaching.One main focus has always been to see language learning as learning about a new culture and how to integrate the following keyaspects in the process of learning: enhancing plurilingualism, the interest in learning further languages, intercultural competences.
Key competence through long term erxperience as trainer, teacher and organizer of international in-service training for trainers and adult learners: planning, organization and evaluation of seminars, project management and conflict management , methodology and didactics (languages), working with radio as a diverse lerning space, dissemination of final results, support in building up networks, social learning and intercultural learning, development of curricula and new teaching/learning materials.
GILLY, Dagmar / REISINGER, Klaus / STANGL, Andrea / LYON, Dirk (2002), Wien spielerisch durchschauen. Materialien zur österreichischen Landeskunde für den Unterricht aus Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Jugend & Volk, Wien 2002.
Dagmar Gilly, Hannes Schweiger, Klaus Reisinger: Das neue Österreich-Quiz.(=Materialien zur österreichischen Landeskunde für den Unterricht aus Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Band 1. Hrsg. bm:ukk (2. aktualisierte und überarbeitete Ausgabe Dezember 2009)
(see: //
Dagmar Gilly, Anna Grigoriadis, Martina Huber-Kriegler 2008) gemeinsam mit mehr Sprachen leben. Modul "Mehrsprachigkeit in der Praxis", Internationales Jahr der Sprachen; ed. by the Austrian UNESCO Commission and bm:ukk (Austrian Ministry of Education).Graz