Nathalie Auger - mediation link person



Surname: Auger
First name: Nathalie
Address for correspondence: E-mail
Nationality: French

Affiliation with educational networks/associations

  • PRAXILING CNRS UMR 5267 ( Centre for National Scientific Researches, University Paul-Valéry-Montpellier, France) //
  • Responsible for the CNRS team: “Speech and discourses: ways of functioning/ dysfunctioning and acquisition” until 2020

Work information

Occupation or position currently held: Professeur des Universités et habilitée à diriger les recherches en sciences du langage
Name of employer: University Paul-Valéry of Montpellier III
Country of employment:  France

Education and training

2013: Bonus for scientific excellency (PES) until 2017

2009: Full Professor, University of Montpellier 3, Language sciences Department

Grant for a sabbatical semester on the behalf of University of Montpellier 3 (2009)
Thesis to be allowed to supervise doctoral students, University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2009. School, languages and representations: sociolinguistic/ didactic approaches of variation. Jury: Mrs. and Mrs. Professors J-L. Chiss, J-C. Beacco (Paris III), président de jury, R. Bouchard (Lyon 2), J-P. Cuq (Nice), M. Verdelhan (Montpellier III) et F. Armand (Montréal).

2003: Associate Professor, University of Montpellier III (1ère, University of Montpellier III, linguistics and didactics (University chosen) and University of Toulouse-le-Mirail.

2002-2003: Lecturer, University of Montpellier III

2000-2002: Assistant Professor, University of Avignon and Montpellier III

2000: PHD, University of Montpellier III. Identities construction in French as a foreign language textbooks used in European Union: the intercultural dimension of the didactic speech. Congratulations. Jury Mrs. and Mr. Professors H. Boyer, supervisor, P. Charaudeau (Paris XII), S. Bonnafous (Paris XIII) & A. Coïaniz (Montpellier 3).

1999-2000 : Director of the French as a foreign/ second language centre for foreign students and teachers, University of Avignon: 150 students, 10 teachers

1996-2000: Director of the French as a foreign/ second language centre for foreign students and teachers, University of Avignon: 150 students, 10 teachers

1994 : Lecturer, University of Montpellier III, langage sciences

1998-1999: Lecturer, University of Montpellier III, langage sciences

1996-2000: Responsible for missions abroad, training teachers and didactic expertise for the French Department of Foreign affairs. (Russia, Moldova, Nigeria).

1994-2000: Teaching French as a first and second language (associations, private and public schools in Paris, Montpellier and at the University of Avignon)
Grant from Quebec office for francophone: conference for an international symposium in Montréal on French language acquisition and textbooks, 2006.
Grant from the Embassy of Canada for the development of research: compared studies on French as a second language, 2005.
Award from the European commission for innovation in second language acquisition for the Comparing our languages (H. Walter, president of the grant commission), 2004.
Fellowship from the Georg Eckert Institute, Germany (international researches on teaching and textbooks, 1998)

In french home institution (number of teaching hours calculated as equivalent to 1 hour of TD)

About 275h / TD / year due to lack of staff and distance learning.
University of Montpellier III, Department of Linguistics, ITIC

    • French as a second language in France and in Canada (Master 2, 26h): linguistic and didactic theories of teaching and learning methods.
      • This course has received a scholarship from the Canadian Embassy to provide a comparative study of theoretical and methodological approaches to teaching-learning French in both countries.
    • Languages and Migration (CM and TD, M2 pro, 26h): linguistic and didactic approaches to the concept of "multilingualism"/ “plurilingualism”
    • Sociolinguistics and didactic (CM, M1 SL, 39h) and Distance learning (39h)
      • Articulation of the two fields with corpus study in French (as first/second/ foreign language)
    • Intercultural (CM. Fle L3 course, 29 h) and A Distance learning (29h)
      • cultural and intercultural competence: theoretical and practical approaches
    • Learning a new language and reflection on the learning (TD, L3 & M1 Fle course, 13hx3) and Distance learning (4x13h)
      • Theories of language learning and reflective log on linguistic and metalinguistic issues.
    • Preparation to French teachers contest for the Ministery of National education for the option : French as a second or foreign language (10h)
    • L1 (1st year) : discovery French as a second or foreign language (10h)

In other french institutions:

Since 2003,continuing education for teachers in Education (20h / year), Ministry of Education

    • University degree: Bilingualism and childhood: development, education and integrating theoretical perspectives, practices and clinics (University Paris 5 Paris Descartes). 7 hours / year
    • ESPE (Faculty of education) Montpellier (15h)
      • Preparation for FSL certification
      • MAFE Module (Module Support for Training Abroad)


Visiting Professor in Brazil (Araraquara, SP) 26-04-11 to 11-05-2014: multilingualism and literacy

I run a monthly seminar in 2014-2015 on gypsy children and the school // and a bi-annual seminar for my PHD students.

Languages of communication

Mother tongue French
Other languages English, Spanish, German


Books, papers

    • (2014), “Exploring the use of migrant languages to support learning in mainstream classrooms in France” in Managing Diversity in Education, Leung, C. Little D. & P. Van Avermaet P. (dirs.), Bristol (UK), Multilingual matters, pp. 223-242.
    • (2013) avec D. Coste et ali. Les langues au cœur de l’éducation : principes, pratiques, propositions, Cortil-Wodon (Belgique) Editions Modulaires Européennes, 320 pages.
    • (2010), Elèves Nouvellement Arrivés en France. Réalités et perspectives en classe, préface de J-L. Chiss, Paris, Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 155p. Cet ouvrage prend appui sur une recherche menée depuis 2003 sur les élèves nouvellement arrivés en France. Le livre offre un éclairage historique et sociologique sur ce public avant d’effectuer une analyse sociolinguistique de la situation. Il ressort que les représentations et les pratiques de classe sont encore éloignées des recherches en sciences du langage. Des propositions didactiques sont alors formulées en faveur de la reconnaissance et du développement de compétences plurilingues chez l’élève.
      En savoir davantage: //
    • (2008), "Comparons nos langues : un outil d’empowerment pour ne pas oublier son plurilinguisme", Conscience du plurilinguisme, M. Candelier, G. Ioannitou, D. Omer, D. & M-T. Vasseur (dirs), Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 185-199.
    • (2008), "D’une méthodologie ethnographique à la transformation des pratiques de classe : le cas des élèves migrants en France", Ecoles plurilingues – multilingual schools : Konzepte, Institutionen und Akteure, G. Budach, J. Erfurt & M. Kunkel (dirs), Berlin, Peter Lang, Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel, pp. 235-249.
    • (2008), "L’accueil et la scolarisation des enfants nouvellement arrivés en France : une minorité francophone en devenir aux besoins pédagogiques spécifiques", Francophonie, minorités et pédagogie, P. Dalley & S. Roy (dirs), Ottawa, Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, pp. 45-64.
    • (2008), "Le rôle des représentations dans l’intégration scolaire des enfants allophones ?", Immigration, Ecole et didactique du français, J.-L. Chiss (dir.), Paris, Didier collection Langues et didactique, pp. 187-230.
    • (2008)"Comparing our languages. A tool for maintaning individual multilingualism", Synergie Sud-est européen (GERFLINT), Construire la cohésion sociale : le rôle de l’école en Grèce, S. Chatzisavvidis (dir.) et //, pp. 93-99.