
Processes/products to evaluate Indicators of achievement Evaluation method Evaluation schedule

Raising awareness of and providing support for teacher educators and decision makers concerning the need for revision of pedagogical thinking and for collaboration needed between teachers of majority languages and teachers of foreign languages.

Materials and models published on project website / publication; active dissemination of the results.

Achievement can be evaluated only afterwards…

Team members' and WS+NW participants' activities in disseminating the results and continuous observation of professional discussion and publications.

After the projec

Exploring possible collaboration between teacher associations across languages and providing insight into the development of future prospects.

Contacts to the teacher associations.

Discussion with team, teacher associations and WS+NW participants.

After WS 2013 and NW 2014 and EX 2015

A review of the current situation in approaches in Europe and the rest of the world concerning teacher education towards a more inclusive and plurilngual approach, with a comprehensive bibliography of available references.

Published on project website (electronic publication?)

Regular checks and updates; drafting and editing in team

After WS 2013 and NW 2014 and EX 2015

A model promoting inclusive and plurilingual approaches in teacher education for majority language teachers.

Sample teaching modules providing practical material for teacher educators interested in applying guidelines produced for developing teacher education towards a more inclusive and plurilingual approach.

Published on project website (electronic publication)

Team discussions; feedback from WS and NW participants and other professional contacts of the team members; drafting and editing in team.

After EX 2014

Target-oriented and systematic dissemination plan - checking and confirmation.

Published on project website 

Team discussions; feedback from WS and NW participants and other professional contacts of the team members; drafting and editing in team

After EX 2015